Greetings. It is March 8th, which is International Women’s Day, an occasion that I've acknowledged the last two years that I’ve had this blog. It snuck up on me this year, just noticed it on my Facebook feed earlier and thought, “I guess this year I won’t be getting around to that.” But here I am.
There’s so much to say on the topic, it can be a bit overwhelming. Last year I wrote about the Rush Limbaugh/Sandra Fluke debacle and Barbie's rack and sexist advertising. My initial impulse was to discuss the recent uproar about the Academy Awards, specifically about Seth MacFarlane’s insensitivity to women throughout the show. Were we expecting something different? He’s never billed himself as a sophisticated comedian to my knowledge. It seemed a little ridiculous to me that people were outraged that he kept talking about how pretty all the women were and how degrading that was….folks, did you catch the million hours of Kristen Chenoweth on the red carpet? She hardly commented about anyone’s intellectual prowess. The Oscars are generally a vapid spectacle, in this case where Seth MacFarlane did the job he was hired to do. I'd go so far as to say I enjoyed his hosting for the hour or so I managed to stay awake, but I'm often a fourteen year old boy when it comes to comedy. I never met a dick joke I didn't like. Perhaps next year, they’ll bring back Steve Martin or Ellen Degeneres or someone with some observational comedy chops, or maybe Howard Stern could sink the whole ship, who knows. It’s four hours a year, it hardly matters. Where’s the outrage over STUPID, SEXIST SHIT THAT HAPPENS EVERY DAY? Don’t get me started on the Kardashian situation again. Just my humble opinion. But is it humble enough? Which leads to what I’m really here to write about.
humble |ˈhəmbəl|
Adjective: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.Get pissed off when it’s warranted
Applaud your accomplishments (within reason, everyone still hates a blowhard)
Give up being obsessed about your weight as long as you are healthy
Accept the way you look without makeup/hair products/Spanx, etc (extra points if you rock it in public)
Decide what you need from your relationships, ask for it, and hold people accountable
Embrace other women for doing all of the above